Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Recap of the Cedar Street Shooting

On Jan. 31, Dominique Nolff was shot and killed in a shooting on Cedar Street, East Lansing, just off of the Michigan State University campus.
According to two MSU students Courtney Kren and Brittney Urich, the East Lansing and Michigan State University authorities did not do a satisfying job in handling the situation.
According to Kren and Urich, the information on the shooting was sent a couple of hours after the event occurred.
Also, according to Urich, even though the shooting technically occurred off campus, it should not have been treated as such because the shooting occurred right across the street from campus.

Kren and Urich both said that they are not satisfied with how the authorities handled the situation. 

A Preview of the Cedar Street Shooting

On Jan. 31, there was a fatal shooting on Cedar Street, East Lansing, that resulted in the death of one Michigan State University student and the injury of another student.
20-year-old Dominique Nolff was fatally shot in the shooting.
In an effort to discover how Spartans feel about how the Michigan State University and the East Lansing authorities handled the situation, two MSU students will be interviewed. 
Courtney Kren, a social work sophomore, and Brittney Urich, a professional writing sophomore, will be interviewed.
They will be asked how they received the information on the shooting and whether or not they are satisfied with how the authorities handled the situation.

Monday, March 31, 2014

A Recap of the Issue of the Federal Investigation on Sexual Assault on MSU Campus

This broadcast story consisted of two female interviews; one of Kelsey Panter and another of

Chelsea Williams.

Kelsey Panter is a residential assistant at Michigan State University and Chelsea Williams in a Psychology


Both of these women were aware of the federal investigation going on on campus.

They said they were aware of the federal investigation because the information was available on social media

such as Facebook and Twitter.

However, both women had many friends who were completely unaware of the federal investigation.

From the interviews, it is clear that both women feel that the issue of sexual assault and rape on campus is a

serious issue.

Panter in particular said she has to deal with sexual assault cases. However, she also said she doesn't have

the freedom to discuss those cases due to confidentiality agreements.

A Preview of the Issue of the Federal Investigation on Sexual Assault on MSU Campus

The Department of Education is currently investigating Michigan State University on how they handle sexual

assault and violence complaints on campus.

There isn't much that the students at MSU know because the investigation is still ongoing.

Because the investigation is still ongoing, both the Department of Education and the authorities at MSU are

refusing to give out much information.

However, based on the little information that is known, female students have opinions on how the

investigation is going and where it might lead.

This broadcast story will delve into how the female students feel about the federal investigation that most

students seem to be unaware of.